SC Magazine is reporting that a flaw signaling System 7, the telephone industry standard for setting up, managing and tearing down phone calls allows anyone to listen in on cell phone calls, read texts and locate a user. Two separate researchers have identified the flaw and are going to demonstrate it at a hackers conference […]
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In light of the recent cyber incidents, small and medium sized business owners should be looking at their cyber readiness and asking “Am I safe from cyber attacks?”. Unfortunately, for many businesses, the answer is no. The Huffington Post wrote an article on the issue and I think that some of the points that they […]
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The Anchorage Community Mental Health Services (ACMHS) just agreed to pay a $150,000 fine after a 2012 breach of approximately 2,500 patients protected Health Information (PHI) due to malware on their healthcare software system according to Healthcare IT News. Apparently ACMHS had adopted the sample Security Rule policies in 2005 but didn’t bother to follow […]
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While The Sony hack/attack continues to capture the media’s attention with new data releases which create drama – who got caught saying what when – Bloomberg is reporting that something very similar to that happened to the Sands empire in February of this year. Some of you are familiar with Admiral Rogers testimony (head of […]
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Risk Based Security is doing a play by play of the Sony breach. Visit their website for a detailed analysis of what was stolen. I am going to just pick one little part of it, which is scary in and of itself. The fact that they found over a million unredacted socials is a business […]
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Home Depot reported today that it spent $43 million in it’s third quarter dealing with the fallout of it’s security breach earlier this year. Of the $43 million, $15 million will be paid for out of its $100 million cyber liability policy. From the press release: The retailer warned that it expects “to incur significant […]
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