Dark Reading reported on Verizon’s PCI compliance assessment and I think the numbers are interesting, but not terribly unexpected (see article). The actual report, all 84 pages, is available here. Most of the time (maybe always), when a business has an assessment done by a third party assessor, that company will do an interim assessment […]
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Trend Micro has identified a new piece of malware (see article) that attempts to connect to your home router using default userids and passwords for a number of home router vendors. It tries userids like admin, guest, root and user and passwords like admin, password and 12345678. The malware, named VICEPASS, scans for devices and […]
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While tips and tricks won’t make your organization bulletproof, it will help make you bullet resistant. Here is a list from Boston Business News that is simple and right on. 1. IT Risk Assessment. You MUST start with a risk assessment and if you are up for it, I would recommend a business risk assessment. […]
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I came across an item today that stunned me. The Wall Street Journal and Findlaw reported on a case from late last year where a Virginia State judge ruled that an arrestee may have to offer up his fingerprint to unlock his phone – the Fifth Amendment does not apply. Now before everyone goes crazy […]
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Ars technica is reporting that Uber is scrambling to try to recover from an itty bitty problem. Apparently, someone posted Uber source code (probably an Uber employee) to the public source code repository GitHub. GitHub is a wonderful tool for storing open source software code in a way that is easy for developers to share. […]
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While everyone is off beating up Lenovo and Lenovo, in turn, is beating up Komodia, I suggest everyone is missing the real problem. First of all, to make sure that no one is confused, this problem is not limited to Lenovo consumer laptops. Komodia has over a hundred customers developing software, all of which put […]
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