
Why Knowledge Based Authentication Is Useless

Knowledge Based Authentication – using information that only you know – used to be a very popular method for validating that you are you.  Examples of this are when a customer service agent asks you for your birth date, last four of your social or where you were born.  The credit bureaus even sell that […]

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Systemic Vulnerabilities In The Digital Age

In case you haven’t seen the news today, the morning started with United Airlines saying that they experienced a “system-wide computer problem”.   United later said that an issue with a network router “degraded network connectivity for various applications, causing this morning’s operational disruption”.  The disruption meant that no United flights took off from about […]

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Credit Monitoring Services – Are They Worth It?

It   is common, if not automatic, for companies that have their information systems breached to offer credit monitoring services, and this includes medical record breaches.  Consumers can also pay companies like Lifelock to provide the same services.  The question is do they work and the answer is, for the most part, not really. Brian Krebs […]

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