
Internet of Things Devices Used For Massive DDoS Attacks

Lizard Stresser, the “service” that came to fame on Christmas Day 2014 when it knocked Sony’s Playstation and Microsoft’s xBox web sites off line, has never gone away.  Now it has a new claim to fame. The claimed purpose of the software was to allow web site owners to stress test their web sites under […]

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GCHQ Pulls Kill Switch On Smart Meter Rollout

GCHQ is The British version of the CIA.  Usually, they are out chasing bad guys in foreign countries.  This week they are protecting British citizens.  With all of the news of intelligence agencies eavesdropping on citizens, it is nice to hear a story where they are decidedly, doing the right thing. This all started with […]

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Cop Accused Of Spying On Breastfeeding Mom

A Michigan woman is suing a police officer who used the baby monitor app on her fiance’s cell phone that he confiscated when the fiance was arrested, to spy on her while she was nude and breastfeeding her son. Note that nothing has been proved yet, so this is only claims and allegations, but it points […]

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IoT Hacks A Reality – Set Off Fire Alarms, Unlock Doors

As the security research community (and me) has been saying for years, the Internet of Things is really an Internet of insecurity and researchers have now demonstrated that in a noisy way. Researchers at the University of Michigan and Microsoft (yes, really, THAT Microsoft) have published a paper that they are going to present at […]

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Federal Government Employees Don’t Trust Agency Cyber Security

I guess it should not come as a big surprise as there are more hacks and breaches, but the degree of lost confidence by federal government employees in the last two years is still staggering. Dell conducted a survey of federal government employees in 2014 and again this year and the numbers are amazing. In […]

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