
The Safety Of Using Your Facebook ID To Sign On To Other Websites

UPDATE:  Apparently Paypal was one of the companies affected by some of these OAuth security holes and they just released a fix (Dec 1,2016) for a bug that would allow hackers to steal OAuth tokens from payment apps of third party developers. Many web sites encourage you to sign on with your social media userid […]

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DDoS Attack Turns Off The Heat. In Finland. In the Winter.

The most recent distributed denial of service attack (DDoS) meant that most people could not get to Twitter.  While that was awful and may have forced a few people to actually work instead of tweeting, for the most part, that was not a big deal.  In fairness to the DYN attack, there were actually hundreds […]

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Proof A Government Crypto Backdoor Is A Really Bad Idea

It was really only a matter of time.  As the FBI (but interestingly NOT the CIA or NSA) keeps pressing for a crypto backdoor – or whatever they would prefer to call it to make it seem more palatable  – and security experts keep saying this is a really, REALLY bad idea, the universe decided […]

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Google Mail Adding New Security Warnings

Google is starting to roll out new security messages in the next week or so to help users to be able to detect spam emails and malicious web sites. For GMail read on the web or on Android devices, any message whose sender cannot be authenticated with Sender Policy Framework (SPF) or Domain Keys Identified Mail […]

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