I have never been a fan of shortened URLs like http://bity.ly/1cxcx66u , but mostly for security reasons. If I click on that link, I have no idea what web site I am going to – whether it is malware laced or contains inappropriate content. Now there is another reason – privacy. Researchers at Cornell Tech, […]
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UPDATE: This is bill is apparently worse than I thought. The Register says that a petition calling for the bill to be withdrawn has gathered 43,000 signatures in less than 24 hours. Other comments include that the bill is so poorly written that it would outlaw the NSA’s encryption, unless they add a backdoor to […]
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The Android community is slowly beginning to understand that they are going to have to step up to the plate and deal with security like Apple has done from the beginning. The challenge is that unlike Apple, where there is one master in control, the Android community is fractured. The only one who has any […]
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While there has been a lot of noise over the ECJ ruling invalidating Safe Harbor based on NSA spying among other things, there has not been much talk about what the EU countries are doing. Basically, it is no different than what we are doing. Given that most communications live on the Internet, you certainly […]
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In the world of a connected home (or any other building), when you sell it or buy it, you need to consider the security and privacy implications. Does the former owner still have access to the security cameras? HVAC? Alarm system? Are the smart devices not so smart anymore? Have they EVER been patched? Are […]
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Former NSA director Michael Hayden says that he would not support [FBI] Director [James] Comey’s demands for access, according to a story by Motherboard. This goes against the “wishes” of the current FBi director and head of the NSA. It is clear to me that if everything is transmitted unencrypted, with weak encryption or with […]
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