
America’s Drinking Water-Easy to Poison

Well that is certainly not a comforting thought. Last month the public water supply in a small town in Florida was hacked. Only PURE DUMB LUCK protected those citizens. Did the hacker use exotic unknown vulnerabilities to compromise the system? No. The city didn’t even have a firewall, was using software that was no longer […]

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NSA Says They Have A Big Blind Spot

NSA Director General Paul Nakasone testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee about the recent SolarWinds and Microsoft Exchange hacks. He said that foreign hackers are taking advantage of the Intelligence community’s blind spot – adversaries working INSIDE the United States. Our adversaries can come into the United States, set up shop on the web, […]

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CISA-ICS CERT Releases 4 ICS Advisories

Earlier this month Homeland Security released 4 different advisories for industrial control system vulnerabilities. This comes in the wake of a successful breach of a water treatment plant in Florida. While that hack took advantage of poor cyber hygiene practices (obsolete unpatched software, shared passwords, etc.), it did call attention to the fact that our […]

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Security News for the Week Ending March 12, 2021

Encrypted Phone Firm Sky ECC “Hacked” by Police Police have arrested 48 people and confiscated 14 tons of Cocaine and over a million Euros, after decrypting a half billion messages and listening in on the bad guys for several weeks. The phone company said that they don’t think the encryption was cracked, but rather, they […]

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The risks of Smart Devices

As I have reported before, retailers don’t really care whether the smart devices that you buy are secure. Home Depot is one of those vendors and when asked about dumb smart devices, they said: “We require all vendors to follow applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards”. Of course, there are virtually no laws, regulations or […]

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