Hackers are advertising a service on the encrypted, Russian, messaging app Telegram that would let you buy a full identity for between $8 and $40. In crypto. The company, USiSLookups, a play on the data broker USInfoSearch, allows you to look up virtually anyone. In just a few moments. The Telegram channel includes a small […]
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While basically unenforceable, the agreement is a starting point. The US, UK and 23 domestic and international cybersecurity organizations, representing more than a dozen countries, signed on to the Guidelines for Secure AI Development. The Guidelines, complementing theĀ U.S. Voluntary Commitments on Ensuring Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy AI, provide essential recommendations for AI system development and […]
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Customs and Border protection signed a contract with LexisNexis Risk Solutions last year and it is scary both in terms of how much data they have access to and how cheap the cost is. Anyone is free to execute a similar contract at the company’s discretion as there are very limited laws anywhere prohibiting this. […]
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I have written several times about the need to start thinking about post-quantum crypto. At this point, “Q-Day” is somewhere between this year and ten years from now. If you believe my blog last week, Q-Day could be today. NIST has published draft post quantum standards, but there is a lot more to do besides […]
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US Marines Strap a Rocket Launcher to a Dog By the way, it was a robot dog and it not only worked, but the dog survived launching the rocket. This was a demonstration and the dog was one that they bought on Amazon for a few thousand bucks. Imagine what they can do with a […]
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So-called verified Twitter accounts (there actually are no verified accounts any more, just free and paid accounts) have been reporting that the murderer who killed 18 people in Maine this week has been captured. The police and the FBI say that this is not true; he is still at large. The suspected shooter, who is […]
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