Well maybe not concerned enough to change their practices, but concerned. When asked if their data is more secure, less secure or about the same as compared to five years ago, 70 percent said their data was less secure. 6 percent said it was more secure. On the side of “gee, you mean I have […]
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O P I N I O N The President says that the shutdown is about security and I think he is right, but not in the way he is thinking. We have to take this agency by agency, but just look at the numbers. The EPA, probably no one’s favorite agency for different reasons, says […]
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O P I N I O N People sometimes ask why IT can’t fix the cybersecurity problem. The reason is pretty simple. Cybersecurity is not an IT problem. IT can make systems very secure. Only problem is that employees won’t be able to get their job done. No mobile. No WiFi. No personally owned computers. […]
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First of all, if you haven’t already voted, please vote! Time did a nice piece on election security (see link at the end). In a somewhat self-serving statement, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said that she FELT confident that this year’s election would be the most secure election we have ever had. Ignoring for a […]
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O P I N I O N Christopher Krebs, The Undersecretary for the National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD) of DHS said individuals voting rights were safe despite persistent attacks on the voting infrastructure. He said, that by law, if you show up to vote and there is a problem with your registration, you have […]
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O P I N I O N To butcher a very famous quote, are we at war or not? It is clear that the Chinese and Russians are at war. We have some pretty clear information about what they have been doing and what they have stolen. What is much less clear is whether WE […]
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