
NSA Publishes Cloud Security Risk Mitigation Guide

Maybe this is the NEW AND IMPROVED NSA. From the NSA document: This document divides cloud vulnerabilities into four classes (misconfiguration, poor access control, shared tenancy vulnerabilities, and supply chain vulnerabilities) that encompass the vast majority of known vulnerabilities. Cloud customers have a critical role in mitigating misconfiguration and poor access control, but can also […]

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Between Snowden and Shadow Broker, NSA has a Problem

The NSA hasn’t had a great few years.  And it isn’t getting any better. First it was Snowden and dumping documents on seemingly a weekly basis.  There were two schools of thought regarding Snowden.  Some said he was a hero for disclosing illegal government actions  Others said that he was a traitor for disclosing national […]

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CERT Releases Threat Advisory On Firewalls

Last month a hacker group known as The Shadow Brokers released a series of exploits that they said belong to an NSA contractor that has been called the Equation Group. Whether the Equation Group is real and whether they are a vendor of exploits to the NSA or not is really not terribly relevant in […]

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How The NSA Broke Trillions Of Encrypted Connections

Encryption can be very secure.  Or Not.  It depends on how it is implemented.  Apparently, at least according to some sources, most of the Internet has gotten it wrong.  That’s not very comforting. The rules of who people are protecting themselves from has changed from just a few years ago.  Now we are talking about […]

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