
Friday News Bites – June 15, 2018

Details Emerge on TicketFly Hack More details are coming out about the TicketFly attack.  First thing is that the web site was based on WordPress.  While WordPress is a very popular site for individuals and small businesses; using it for something as complex as a concert ticketing site is likely a mistake.  Hackers were able […]

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News Bites for Friday June 8, 2018

One Vendor, Two Unprotected Servers Equal Disaster Agilisium, a cloud storage vendor to Universal Music Group, exposed UMG’s internal FTP credentials, AWS Secret Keys and Passwords and the internal and SQL root password to the open internet – all via two instances of the Apache Airflow server with no password. Your Vendor Cyber Risk Management Program […]

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News Bites for Friday June 1

8 new Spectre-Class Vulnerabilities Researchers have reportedly found *8* new Spectre-class vulnerabilties.  Intel has classified 4 of them high risk and 4 of them medium risk, although they are not releasing any details on them – yet.  The entire set is being referred to as Spectre Next Generation or Spectre-NG.  At least one of them […]

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News Bites for Friday May 25, 2018

FCC Investigates Securus Now that LocationSmart who’s data was used illegally by a Sheriff to track other law enforcement officers and was then hacked is out of the closet, their somewhat shady but possibly completely legal business practices are no longer in the shadows and the FCC has begun an investigation.  We shall see if […]

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Friday News Bites for May 18, 2018

Signal Does it Right Matt Green, the well known cryptographer and professor at Johns Hopkins said this about the encrypted messaging app Signal: “After reading the code, I literally discovered a line of drool running down my face.  It’s really nice.”  But even nice code isn’t perfect.  Last Friday, researchers announced very serious bug in […]

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Friday News for May 11th, 2018

Irish High Court Deals Blow to Facebook In yet another case that could deal a blow to the way that Facebook and others transfer data between the EU and the US, the Irish High Court told Facebook that it would not stay it’s “referral” to the European Court of Justice.  The case in question is […]

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