
News Bites for the Week Ending October 19, 2018

Austria Issues First GDPR Fine; Has 115 Fine Proceeding In Q Austria has issued its first GDPR fine.  4,800 Euros for having a security camera that covers the sidewalk (a no-no) without warning people that they are under surveillance.  Welcome to GDPR.  In the first 100 days of GDPR,  they have 115 fine proceedings in […]

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Security News Bites for the Week Ending Oct. 12, 2018

Data Aggregator Apollo Loses Data on 200 Million Apollo’s business model is to aggregate both publicly available data and company private data to build profiles used to market to people. Apollo’s 212 million contacts, 10 million companies and 9 billion data points are now public.  In addition to names and email addresses, the company also […]

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Security News Bites for the Week Ending Oct. 5, 2018

Web Page Load Times Double Due to Trackers Trackers, those microscopic bits of pixie dust that web pages and advertisers insert into web pages to track our activities, make a significant negative contribution to user experience. Full disclosure – this study was done by Ghostery, who makes software – free software – that blocks these […]

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Security News for the Week Ending September 28, 2018

Cisco Will Eliminate Hard Coded Passwords One Per Month It seems like every patch cycle, Cisco admits to another app that has an undocumented hard coded password.  I have lost track of how many of them they have removed so far, but the number is scary large. What is more scary is that I bet […]

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Security News Bites for Week Ending Sep 21, 2018

New Web Attack Will Crash Your iPhone, iPad or Mac A new CSS-based web attack will crash and restart your i-device with just 15 lines of code.  The code exploits a weakness in iOS’ web rendering engine WebKit, which Apple mandates all apps and browsers use. Anything that renders HTML on iOS is affected. That […]

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Security News Bites for the Week Ending September 14, 2018

How, Exactly, Would the Government Keep a Crypto Backdoor Secret? The Five Eyes (US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain) countries issued a statement last week saying that if software makers did not voluntarily give them a back door into encrypted apps they may pursue forcing them to do that by law.  Australia and […]

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