
News Bites for the Week Ending November 30, 2018

Microsoft Azure and O.365 Multi-Factor Authentication Outage Microsoft’s cloud environment had an outage this week for the better part of a day, worldwide.  The failure stopped users who had turned on two factor authentication from logging in. This is not a “gee, Microsoft is bad” or “gee, two factor authentication is bad” problem.  All systems […]

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News Bites for the Week Ending November 23, 2018

Japan’s Cybersecurity Minister has Never Used a Computer Yoshitaka Sakurada, the deputy chief of Japan’s cybersecurity strategy office and the minister in charge of the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo says that he doesn’t use computers – basically, he has secretaries and employees to do that.  He also acted confused about whether Japan’s nuke plants […]

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News Bites for the Week Ending November 16, 2018

DEA and ICE buying Surveillance Cameras Hidden in Streetlights I am not particularly surprised and it certainly is not illegal  in any way, but apparently DEA and ICE have purchased $50,000 of security cameras that record video and sound, hidden in streetlights. If $50,000 is what they spent, it would cover a small number of […]

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News Bites for Week Ending November 9, 2018

Score One For Amazon Security! People who have read my blog for a while know that I am a big fan of two factor authentication.  That little bit of extra security usually gets thrown out the window if you call in to customer service instead of logging in to the company’s web site.  Two factor […]

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News Bites for the Week Ending Nov 2, 2018

Follow on to Google+ Breach and Notification I recently reported about Google getting in trouble for hiding a breach discovered in March. The first thing to point out is that it is unlikely that Google broke any laws.  The current breach notifications laws in the U.S. give a company the wiggle room not to disclose […]

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News Bites for the Week Ending October 26, 2018

Poorly Secured Family of Adult Web Sites Leak Account Info For those people who can think back to the hack of the Ashley Madison web site, this is kind of deja vu all over again. 100 megabytes of user authentication data was leaked – user names, IP addresses, passwords and email addresses.  Not THE most […]

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