Oklahoma Government Data Left Unprotected The Oklahoma Department of Securities left data going back to at least 1999 unprotected online. Data exposed included state agency passwords and login information, data on FBI investigations, information on thousands of securities brokers and other information. The state says it was unprotected for “a limited duration”. They are investigating. […]
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City of Del Rio, Texas Reverts to the 1950s – Paper and Pen – After Ransomware Attack Update: The city says that it cannot issue utility bills which means that it won’t get utility revenue from residents. Del Rio, Texas, on the Texas-Mexico border was hit by a ransomware attack this week and as a […]
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Australian Emergency Notification System Hacked The Australian Emergency Warning Network, run by a private company, was hacked. The hacker sent out a message that said “EWN has been hacked. Your personal data stored with us is not safe. We are trying to fix the security issues. Please email support at .. if you want to […]
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Vietnam’s New Cybersecurity Law in Effect Vietnam’s new “cybersecurity” law which requires companies to remove any content from the Internet that the government finds offensive went into effect on January 1. It also requires some companies like Facebook and Google to open offices in Vietnam if they want to continue to do business there. The […]
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FCC to Investigate Centurylink In an example of “can you believe this”, Ajit Pai, who earlier this year said that the FCC can’t regulate Internet providers wants to investigate why Internet provider Centurylink had an outage today that affected 911 call centers across the country. Centurylink, who told people earlier today that if they had […]
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Patches This Week Adobe’s December patch list fixed 87 separate bugs in Acrobat and Acrobat Reader. 39 of these are rated critical. Last week they patched a critical zero day in Flash (Details here). More Spy Cams The other day I reported the the DEA was buying spy camera enclosures to hide inside of street […]
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