
Security News for the Week Ending December 29, 2023

AI and the End of Privacy A couple of Stanford grad students have written an AI app that using a very small dataset (400,000 images) can detect your location. PIGEON, as the project is called, can predict the country of the image with 92 percent accuracy and provide location within 25 kilometers in 40 percent […]

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Security News for the Week Ending December 22, 2023

Low Code/No Code Apps Not A Security Nirvana Just because the computer is generating much of the code does not mean the software doesn’t have bugs or is secure. In fact, since many times non-developers are using the tools, the code may be less secure. Details at The Hacker News As If Twitter Doesn’t Have […]

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Security News for the Week Ending December 15, 2023

Joe Sullivan, Convicted Former Uber CISO, Speaks Out Sullivan spoke at Black Hat Europe. Unfortunately, he did not say much directly about the case because he is appealing it, but he did have some interesting thoughts about where CISOs are headed and what you should or should not do. I didn’t know this but he […]

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Security News for the Week Ending December 8, 2023

US Warns That Iran Terrorists Broke into Multiple US Water Facilities Last week I reported that the Aliquippa, Pennsylvania Water Authority fessed up to the fact that hackers successfully broke into their network, compromising a pump station, using a vulnerability in an Israeli OT network system that is repackaged by multiple vendors. Now the FBI, […]

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Security News for the Week Ending December 1, 2023

Montana and Indiana TikTok Ban Stunts Unsurprisingly Fail in Court Both Indiana and Montana passed laws completely banning TikTok – both at the app store and private citizen level. Given that these laws were political stunts designed to try and impress voters, it is not surprising that they failed in court. The courts struck down […]

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Security News for the Week Ending November 24, 2023

Post Quantum Crypto Isn’t The Only Problem – Pre Stone Age Crypto is Also a Problem While some folks are worried about what is going to happen to encryption when quantum computing becomes real, other companies are still using antique crypto. Unfortunately, many of the companies who are using antiques are medical devices and higher […]

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