
Security News Update for the Week Ending April 5, 2024

DoD Opens Cyber Policy Office As reported earlier, the planned opening of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Cyber Policy officially happened on March 20th. Ashley Manning will manage it until the Senate confirms someone else. President Biden announced that his nominee will be Michael Sulmeyer. Whether the Senate confirms him or […]

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Microsoft Plans to Deprecate 1024 Bit RSA Keys

Microsoft is often between a rock and a hard place. They would like to be more secure but not at the expense of offending their customers. Here is an example of that. Microsoft has announced that RSA keys shorter than 2048 bits will soon be deprecated in Windows Transport Layer Security (TLS) to provide increased […]

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Security News for the Week Ending November 24, 2023

Post Quantum Crypto Isn’t The Only Problem – Pre Stone Age Crypto is Also a Problem While some folks are worried about what is going to happen to encryption when quantum computing becomes real, other companies are still using antique crypto. Unfortunately, many of the companies who are using antiques are medical devices and higher […]

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Microsoft Explains Most Recent Chinese Email Hack – Humans

As is often the case, humans and process represent the biggest failure window. Microsoft, to its credit, is being public about its own failures and pretty quickly. The Chinese hackers, Storm-0558, obtained a “golden cryptographic key” which allowed them to generate tokens so that they could masquerade as other users. I don’t know why you […]

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This is Why the Feds are Very Scared About Supply Chain Attacks

Last week it was revealed that VoIP communications company 3CX was compromised and was distributing a malicious version of their desktop software to hundreds of thousands of paying customers. This is not an attack where users go to find sketchy websites and download “free” software that should be paid for. Rather, this is licensed software […]

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Maybe OpenAI Should be Called ClosedAI

ChatGPT 3.5 was basically a beta. They got lots of people to feed data into the system, including sensitive, proprietary data (oops) in order to train it. Now that it is “more” trained, OpenAI released ChatGPT 4. Contrary to the founding principles of investors like Elon Musk, the company, which claimed that it would be […]

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