
Security News for the Week Ending July 30,2021

Internet Rot Causes Porn on Legit Sites News sites like New York Magazine and others accidentally displayed porn because they had links to the old and now gone Vidme video sharing site. Vidme went out of business in 2017 and a porn site bought the domain. Since there is no easy way for web site […]

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Security News for the Week Ending July 23, 2021

FTC Votes UNANIMOUSLY to Enforce Right to Repair As companies like John Deere and Apple fight to keep their exceptionally lucrative repair business to themselves, the Federal Trade Commission voted unanimously this week to enforce laws around right to repair. While this won’t eliminate all the barriers to users fixing stuff that they paid thousands […]

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Google Says They Don’t Sell Your Data – That is True, They Give it Away!

Google is being sued. Again. This is not news. What is news is why they are being sued. Google says that they don’t sell your data. While that may be accurate, they do, according to a new lawsuit, give it away to anyone who wants it. How does that work? Google sells ads. While some […]

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Are You Ready for the Next Supply Chain Attack?

On Friday Title industry software and consulting provider was hit by a ransomware attack. Cloudstar operates 6 data centers and supports over 40,000 customer users. Now those customers are wondering what are they going to do. Cloudstar users who close real estate sales are dependent on Cloudstar’s systems being up. Cloudstar has been down since […]

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Security News for the Week Ending July 16, 2021

Supply Chain Attacks Roll On The Accellion File Transfer Appliance vulnerabilities have been the source of many breach notifcations over the last several months. For whatever reason, they seem to be dribbling out. The newest one is Morgan Stanley. In this case, it was a Morgan Stanley VENDOR that was using Accellion, so instead of […]

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