
Security News for the Week Ending November 5, 2021

Trump is Fighting a Mastodon Donald Trump’s not-yet-launched social media site, Truth, is already fighting a potential lawsuit. Although Trump has not said so, tech folks who have seen the site say that it is based on the open source social media code base called Mastodon. The license that comes with Mastodon requires that users […]

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NIST Unveils Draft of “Seal of Approval” for Consumer Software Security

In response to Executive Order 14028 on improving the nation’s security, NIST was required to produce a set of requirements for consumer software to obtain a security “seal of approval”. Right now the EO calls for the security standard to be voluntary. The theory is that if consumers have a choice between a product that […]

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Security News for the Week Ending October 29th, 2021

Smartphone Counterespionage Tips for Travellers Most people say “who would be interested in me?” but the reality is that foreign governments track Americans for a variety of reasons, both good and bad. Read this article to find some tips that could keep you below the radar and your information safer. Are Surveillance Cameras the Answer […]

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