
Utah Likely to be Fourth State with Comprehensive Privacy Law

The Utah House of Representatives unanimously passed a consumer privacy bill which the Senate passed earlier this year. The governor is expected to sign it and has 20 days to veto it. This bill has a higher threshold – it targets businesses who target Utah residents, have an annual gross revenue of over $25 million […]

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Credit Suisse Cyberattack Reveals Dirty Laundry

The Swiss banking world has always been secret. Very secret. Even after the U.S. worked out a deal to try and get information from the Swiss for tax evasion reasons, there is still not much transparency. Credit Suisse has had its share of troubles recently including helping wealthy customers evade taxes, engaging in illegal business […]

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Security News for the Week Ending Feb. 18, 2022

Missouri Prosecutor Wisely Decides Governor is not Tech Smart Remember when the governor got his feeling hurt after a St. Louis newspaper revealed that the education department’s website was publishing the PII of tens of thousands of teachers and asked the Highway Patrol to prosecute the reporter who embarrassed him? The PII was, as a […]

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