Brussels Warns Musk That the Bird Must Fly By EU Rules in Europe The EU Commission warned Musk – via Twitter of course – that he will need to comply with EU’s Digital Services Act that goes into effect next month. It is the EU’s newest version of content moderation rules that may conflict with […]
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This is just one example. Fallout from the hack of Australian health insurer Medibank continues to get worse as the company has “widened” the group of people affected by the breach. Again! Remember, this is not a mom-and-pop corner sandwich shop. This is the largest private health insurer in Australia. Last week they admitted that […]
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Get ready for this. We have five states that need to issue regulations and every one will have multiple iterations. Here is the current state of California’s regs, issued by the CPPA. In addition to the modified regulations, they also issued 16 pages of explanation. These takeaways are from Daniel Goldberg of the law firm […]
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That is a pretty scary statement. Let’s say it is off by 100%. That means only 92% of the people think their cloud security sucks. Maybe the number is off by 500% – which is pretty unlikely. That means only 80% think they don’t have enough cloud security. Not only are they worried about securing […]
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Few Election Offices Use .Gov Domain Years ago, .gov domains cost $400. In a case of penny wise, pound foolish, something like three quarters of all election officers figured that saving $400 versus a non-spoofable domain name was a smart trade off. And we wonder why the hackers are winning. Credit: The Washington Post LinkedIn […]
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Many people are familiar with Illinois’ biometric privacy law called BIPA, The Biometric Information Privacy Act. BIPA says that companies can’t use your biometric data without your permission. BIPA only applies to IIllinois residents, but it is still having an impact. Like California’s privacy law, BIPA allows you and me (if we live in Illinois) […]
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