King Charles approved the Online Safety Act last month and its regulator, known as Ofcom, has already issued its first regulation in draft form. Among other “features” of this law is a requirement to scan end to end encrypted messages for CSAM, even though that is impossible. The act also requires platforms to execute a […]
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Researchers are highly skeptical about the claim of another scientist who says that he has developed an inexpensive system to crack RSA encryption, the most commonly used public key encryption. The researcher who claims to have cracked RSA is Ed Gerck. According to his LinkedIn profile, he is a quantum computing developer at a company […]
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Founders of startups are mostly interested in getting a minimal viable product (MVP) out the door as quickly as possible. This is quite reasonable and what the investors likely want. After all, if there is no product, there is no revenue. The solution to this is, among other things, to reduce cost by relying on […]
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US Marines Strap a Rocket Launcher to a Dog By the way, it was a robot dog and it not only worked, but the dog survived launching the rocket. This was a demonstration and the dog was one that they bought on Amazon for a few thousand bucks. Imagine what they can do with a […]
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So-called verified Twitter accounts (there actually are no verified accounts any more, just free and paid accounts) have been reporting that the murderer who killed 18 people in Maine this week has been captured. The police and the FBI say that this is not true; he is still at large. The suspected shooter, who is […]
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As a refresher, section 702 is the part of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act family that allows the intelligence community, with some controls, to collect data on Americans without a warrant. In theory, that process is very controlled, but, it seems, things seem to get out of hand from time to time. The way section […]
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