Google Rolls back Decision to Kill Third Party Cookies Firefox and Safari, along with some other smaller browsers already block third party cookies by default. Google said that they would do the same. Google now says that phasing out third party cookies will hurt their revenue stream, uh, will impact online advertising, so they are […]
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What we don’t know is what the long term impact of this will be. Law enforcement around the globe has been attacking the attackers. They have been successful, at least to a degree. The problem for the hackers as a result of these attacks is whether they can they trust each other. Historically, hackers have […]
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Alerts, Android, Breach, Business Continuity, Compliance, Hacks, Legal, Microsoft, News Bites, Privacy, Safety, Security Practices
AT&T is First Company To Evade SEC’s 4 Day Breach Disclosure No, they are not badasses, they asked for permission. The SEC rules that went into effect last year have a carve out from the disclosure rule – actually it is not an exception, just a delay. It is not clear who asked whom, but […]
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People often ask me how come the hackers seem to be winning in spite of the seeming endless spend on cybersecurity, security training and law enforcement. Let me give you a couple of recent news items and see if you can figure it out. These are just a few of the hundreds and hundreds of […]
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In an example of dozens of known breaches and likely thousands of similar situations which never get reported, security researcher Jeremiah Fowler discovered a non-password protected, unsecured (sort of redundant) database containing 38.6 million records belonging to legal support services company Rapid Legal. The information left exposed included court documents, service agreements and payment information […]
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Speculative Execution Raises its Ugly Head Again Speculative execution is a type of attack that exploits bugs or features in Intel, AMD and Arm processors that try to squeeze that last ounce of juice out of that processor in your computer or phone. This family of attacks has been around for years. A famous one […]
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