
Security News for the Week Ending October 18, 2019

Less Than Half of Mississippi State Agencies Even Have a Cybersecurity Policy In Mississippi’s first ever state cybersecurity audit, the state auditor reported dismal results.   54 state agencies did not respond to the audit.   38% of those responding did not encrypt sensitive data.  22 agencies had not conducted a third party security risk assessment.  11 […]

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California Poised to Make History Again – This One has Even Bigger Impact

In June Governor Brown signed Assembly Bill 375, the California Consumer Privacy Act which is the only law in the country that offers consumers far more control over their data in the hands of third parties such as Internet based companies. Now AB 1906 is headed to Governor Brown to sign.  If he does, and […]

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Complying with GDPR and California’s CCPA – Step 3

For those companies who have customers in California – independent of where the company is located – or are doing business in Europe, you have new privacy regulations to deal with.  While California’s law doesn’t go into effect for another 16 months and it is possible that there will be changes to the law before […]

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Complying with GDPR and California’s New Privacy Law (CCPA) – Step 1

This is step one of a multi-part series on complying with the new privacy rules, both in Europe and, just recently, in California.  Watch for further steps over the next several weeks. While companies are supposed to be compliant with GDPR already, many are not and the California law’s effective date is still almost 18 […]

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Security News Bites For Friday July 6, 2018

NSA Deleting All Call Detail Records (CDRs) Acquired Since 2015 While the NSA is not providing a lot of details about what went wrong, the NSA is saying that it is deleting all CDRs acquired since 2015 because of technical irregularities that resulted in it receiving data that, likely, would be illegal under the current […]

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