
How The Law Decrypts Your Phone’s Encryption

Law enforcement agencies around the world have been whining about the “going dark” problem at least since the early 1990s when they tried really hard to put Phil Zimmerman in jail for creating encryption that mere mortals could use. There is no question that bad folks use encryption to hide stuff, but good folks also […]

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If Covid Doesn’t Get You then Cyber Bugs in Medical Devices May

Well if that isn’t depressing …. Experts warn that medical-device security is a chronic problem, now exacerbated by COVID-era healthcare challenges. Hospitals have been forced to prioritize budgets and staffing to focus on lifesaving care – meaning that IT security often takes a back seat. Adding insult to injury, hackers are aware of this, and […]

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Security News for the Week Ending January 15, 2021

US Bulk Energy Providers Must Report Attempted Breaches The Solar Winds attack, from what little we know about it, was bad enough, but what if it was Russia’s trial run for taking down the power grid like they did in Ukraine or taking out the water supply or gas supply? NERC, the electric utility regulator, […]

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