
Bloomberg Says China Adds Spy chips to Computers

In 2018 Bloomberg ran a story that claimed that China had embedded tiny microchips on Supermicro computer server processor boards in 2015. Everyone denied it – Supermicro, the intelligence community (IC), China. Supply chain attacks seem to be everywhere these days and this is another one. I don’t know if it is true, but why […]

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Is $100 Million Enough of a Reason to Improve Security?

SIM swap attacks is a hacking technique where hackers socially engineer cell phone providers to steal a victim’s phone number. That means that hackers get the victim’s text messages and phone calls. While two factor authentication is not used by the majority of people, when it is used, the most common form of two factor […]

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Microsoft Teams – Hacker’s Choice

At the beginning of the pandemic (can you remember that far back), Teams had about 32 million daily users and was trying to compete with Slack. As of December, Teams had an estimated 115 million daily users. Teams is the defacto communications and collaboration app for anyone using Office or Microsoft 365. As of December, […]

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