
Congress Digs into Dumpster Fire of Fed Cybersecurity

While there are plenty of private companies that were compromised by the SolarWinds attack, more importantly, many federal government departments and agencies including Treasury, State, the Nuclear Management folks, the FAA and others were compromised and information was stolen. Congress is getting into the act; we will see if anything positive happens or Congress loses […]

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New York Issues Cyber Insurance Framework

Early this month, New York’s Department of Financial Services, the regulator for banks and insurance companies, issued guidance on cybersecurity insurance. Unfortunately, the guidance was not to insurance customers; it was for insurance companies. The regulator is concerned that big breaches may cause insurance companies to go out of business. DFS advised insurers against paying […]

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Lawsuits Often Follow Ransomware

Last October Wilmington Surgical Associates was dealing with a ransomware attack. Allegedly, the Netwalker ransomware group stole 13 gigabytes of data, which in today’s world easily fits on a flash drive, and leaked that data online. The patients of the North Carolina clinic whose data was stolen and leaked are seeking “redress for its unlawful […]

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Supply Chain Risk in the Software Process

I have been talking a lot about supply chain risk lately and there is a good reason. From open source products with backdoors like Webmin or Rubygems to NotPetya a few years ago which shut down many companies around the world to the recent attacks against SolarWinds or Centreon, supply chain attacks are running rampant. […]

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