
Third Party Risk Management in Light of Hezbollah and Twilio Attacks

I know I sound like a broken record, but as businesses start to improve their internal security, attackers focus on compromising businesses’ supply chains. In the case of the Hezbollah attack, the attackers must have, some how, known (a) that they were buying new walkie-talkies and pagers, (b) who they were buying them from, (c) […]

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Security News Update for September 20, 2024

Tennessee School District Sends $3 Mil to “Money Mules” – Mules May Wind Up With Felony Convictions Hopefully the US Attorney is a nice person and realizes that these people were just pawns in the game. $3 million later, they caught the ringleader, who also was a pawn – for his supposed fiancĂ© – whom […]

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For those of you who contract to the DoD or Department of Education – or are a vendor to those who are, this will apply to you sooner; for other executive branch agencies, it will take a little longer. The section of Title 32, the part of the Code of Federal Regulations that the DoD […]

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DoJ Sues Georgia Tech for Cybersecurity Fraud

I didn’t have enough characters in the title to really explain it. Like many universities, Georgia Institute of Technology or Georgia Tech is a defense contractor. It does a variety of things like research and testing. As part of those contracts, the school has access to sensitive information, which, according law and/or contract, they are […]

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Security News Update for August 24, 2024

City of Columbus Warns Victims After Saying No Data Was Taken The city admitted that data was stolen including information in prosecutor’s database. The city says that they will help victims who are now being victimized again and whose lives may be in danger due to the city’s poor security practices. The mayor said that […]

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