
Feds Reveal Plans for Improving Cybersecurity

After SolarWinds and after the Microsoft Exchange attacks, the feds have begun to outline their plans to improve cybersecurity. While there are no silver bullets in this business, it is a nice change to see the feds actively working to improve things. The way the feds have worked things in the past is to use […]

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The Cloud is not Fireproof

OVHCloud is a French data center operator providing cloud services, dedicated server and managed bare metal computing. Unfortunately, early Wednesday morning they suffered a fire in their Strasbourg, France data center. The data center complex consisted of four buildings. This is what one of them looks like now. OVHCloud is the largest European cloud service […]

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NSA and CISA Issue Guidance on DNS Filtering

Starting from the beginning. DNS is the service that converts the web site address that you type in your browser like WWW.CNN.COM into the numbers, like 2a04:4e42:200::323:, that the Internet needs in order to connect you to that web site. DNS was invented because they didn’t think the web would be really popular if you […]

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