
4% Say They Have Adequate Cloud Security

That is a pretty scary statement. Let’s say it is off by 100%. That means only 92% of the people think their cloud security sucks. Maybe the number is off by 500% – which is pretty unlikely. That means only 80% think they don’t have enough cloud security. Not only are they worried about securing […]

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Security News for the Week Ending October 21, 2022

Few Election Offices Use .Gov Domain Years ago, .gov domains cost $400. In a case of penny wise, pound foolish, something like three quarters of all election officers figured that saving $400 versus a non-spoofable domain name was a smart trade off. And we wonder why the hackers are winning. Credit: The Washington Post LinkedIn […]

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Biometric Laws vs. Big Tech – The Battle

Many people are familiar with Illinois’ biometric privacy law called BIPA, The Biometric Information Privacy Act. BIPA says that companies can’t use your biometric data without your permission. BIPA only applies to IIllinois residents, but it is still having an impact. Like California’s privacy law, BIPA allows you and me (if we live in Illinois) […]

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Be Careful How You Use Tracking Pixels

Tracking pixels are those tiny, invisible beacons that companies like Google and Facebook use to capture information about what you are doing, send it back to the mother ship, aggregate it with other data and then use it, mostly, for advertising purposes. Of course it can be used for many other purposes as well. The […]

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CISA Says Track Your Assets and Vulnerabilities

CISA issued a Binding Operational Directive. BODs only are “binding” on federal executive branch agencies, but this is one time where if it is good for the feds, it is good for you. The directive tells agencies to keep track of assets and vulnerabilities. They have six months to comply. Specifically, they want agencies to […]

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The “Other Costs” of a Cyber Attack

The Spanish public entity Consorci Sanitari Integral (CSI) is a Barcelona-based hospital system that treats more than a million patients a year and has more than 3,000 physicians and staff. They detected a ransomware attack last Friday. Here is the remarkable news – they were able to recover in three days. They say this is […]

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