
So You Think You Are Saving Money by Letting People Use Personally Owned Computers

Many companies allow employees to use their own personal computers for work. They do this for employee convenience and an apparent cost savings. After all, if we don’t have to buy employees their own laptop, certainly we will save money. At least it seems like that is true. In a perfect world, with no hackers, […]

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Google Working to Improve Android Hardware Security

As operating system vendors (Apple and Google) improve their security and make hacking their products more difficult, hackers are looking elsewhere for “ways in”. While users consider their phones a single computer, the reality is that there are whole bunch of computers under the hood. Processors for each radio in the phone such as the […]

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GoDaddy Admits Hackers Roamed Their Network for THREE YEARS!

I’ve never been a fan of GoDaddy for a variety of reasons, but now I have a major reason not to like them. In 2020 GoDaddy alerted 28,000 customers that an attacker used their credentials in 2019 to abuse their hosting accounts. That is over 3 years ago and that was the start of a […]

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Almost 80% Fear Software Stack Breach

That is a big number and even if it is off by say 25% or 30%, that is still huge. Cisco Systems surveyed over a thousand organizations across Australia, India, Japan, Germany, the UK and US. All companies had revenues in excess of $500 million, so you can’t say these are small shops without a […]

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State-Sponsored Hackers Changing Tactics to Put Companies at Risk

State-sponsored threat groups increasingly use ransomware-like attacks as cover to hide more insidious activities. Russian advanced persistent threat (APT) group Sandworm used ransomware programs to destroy data multiple times over the past six months while North Korea’s Lazarus group used infrastructure previously associated with a ransomware group for intelligence gathering campaigns. Chinese state sponsored hackers […]

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Hacker Uses Verified Microsoft Account to Compromise Users

Microsoft has a badge, sort of like Twitter and just like Twitter, apparently these badges can be hacked. Security firm Proofpoint first discovered the attack involving three rogue apps which were impersonating single signon and online meeting apps. If the user installs these rogue apps, they ask for permissions to their Microsoft 365 account, which […]

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