Even the DoJ Thinks John Deere Should Let Farmers Fix Their Tractors The “right to repair” movement has been growing for the last decade. John Deere has been leading the “its not safe for you to fix your own tractor” movement for years, saying they have made tractors too complicated for owners to fix. The […]
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China has long ranked at or near the top of U.S. national security officials’ list of cyber adversaries. On Wednesday, spy agency leaders warned that China is getting even bolder and better in cyberspace. The spies say that if China believed that it was on the verge of a major conflict with us, they might launch […]
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Given the risk of cyberattacks on critical infrastructure, the government is responding. After the Colonial Pipeline attack, the TSA (yes, they are responsible for pipeline security-don’t ask) issued a somewhat misguided set of rules to pipeline owners. Those rules were updated a couple of months later, but at least there is some activity. Actually quite […]
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Hackers Claim They Breached T-Mobile More Than 100 Times in 2022 Three different cybercriminal groups claimed access to internal networks at communications giant T-Mobile in more than 100 separate incidents throughout 2022, new data suggests. In each case, the goal of the attackers was the same: Phish T-Mobile employees for access to internal company tools, and then […]
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The U.S. government released its widely anticipated National Cybersecurity Strategy on Tuesday, pushing mandatory regulation on critical infrastructure vendors and green-lighting a more aggressive ‘hack-back’ approach to dealing with foreign adversaries and ransomware actors. The strategy is just that, a roadmap. While parts of it can be done without Congress’ approval, lots of it require additional authority. […]
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Mergers and acquisitions are a time to tread carefully. While all M&A teams review financials, sales projections, key personnel, etc., it is much less likely that the review includes examining the code base being acquired for vulnerabilities. That is probably not a good decision. Synopsys sells a service to review software during mergers and acquisitions […]
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