
Battling Insider Threat – The Leak of US Intel Docs

Today the FBI arrested the person they say leaked hundreds of classified documents on US surveillance related to the war in Ukraine. The impact of this leak may rise to the level of the damage caused by Edward Snowden in 2013. They continue to find more classified documents as the investigation continues. What is different […]

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Do You Think Your Customers Care WHY it Took You 2 Years to Tell Them Their Data was Breached?

This is a secondary problem of vendor cyber risk. The first problem is that you are dependent on a lot of vendors. You have to depend on those vendors. If they screw up, you get sued. And you lose customers. To make matters worse, when one of your vendors gets breached, you are only one […]

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NY Court Is About to Rule on the Future of Crypto

If this seems hyperbolic, it may not be. In December 2020 the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged Ripple, who provides infrastructure for cross-border payments and also its executives with conducting a 1.3 billion dollar unregistered security offering. The core of this is whether their XRP cryptocurrency is a security. Ripple has been fighting […]

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