
Security News Update for the Week Ending August 11, 2023

Police Don’t Know Who Accessed Data Posted in Error This is somewhat hard to believe while at the same time all too common. Would your company do any better. Police in Northern Ireland posted the entire country’s police roster in response to a freedom of information request – by accident. Even though they took it […]

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The Next Frontier in Fraud – But Not The Last

Zelle is one of the most recent incarnations in peer to peer payments. Peer to peer payments are ones that allow you to directly transfer money from one person’s bank account (the sender) to another’s (the receiver). Competitors to Zelle include PayPal, Venmo, Popmoney and CashApp. The difference with Zelle is that it is owned […]

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Is Microsoft “Grossly Irresponsible” for Not Fixing Bugs

In light of the most recent Chinese attack on Azure, several people are speaking out. Amit Yoran, chairman of security firm Tenable, former president of RSA and former Homeland Security National Cyber Security Division director, says this in a LinkedIn post: Cloud providers have long espoused the shared responsibility model. That model is irretrievably broken […]

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Remote Workers Still More Vulnerable Than They Should Be

Since it seems that fully remote work and hybrid work are not going away anytime soon, we need to make sure that remote workers are secure. It is not going away because the best employees will find another job rather than be forced to come into the office. Forester Research says 68% of remote workers […]

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