Governments around the world, at best, tolerate encryption. If they thought they could outlaw it, they would. Public pronouncements that it is “about the children” or other fairy tales not withstanding, it is about them not being able to snoop at will. That is something that they have been able to do pretty freely until […]
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Know Your Customer or KYC is a mandate of federal law for the financial services community such a banks, brokers and fintech. Often companies use “ID images” to confirm a person is who they say they are. Even some cryptocurrency platforms rely on this. Viral posts on Reddit and other social media show how, using […]
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No, it is not a trick question. They, and the advertisers that they sell to, need names and profiles. Lots of names and profiles. Millions and millions of them, so they can slice them very finely. Male, 18-20, likes soccer, shops at Walmart, wears Crocs, etc. etc. Really, really fine grain. And what is the […]
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Low Code/No Code Apps Not A Security Nirvana Just because the computer is generating much of the code does not mean the software doesn’t have bugs or is secure. In fact, since many times non-developers are using the tools, the code may be less secure. Details at The Hacker News As If Twitter Doesn’t Have […]
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But AI is really the buzzword, so if the writer puts AI in the title then maybe more people will read it. Specifically this is designed to help banks prevent token fraud, which is hard to do anyway. Token fraud happens when a merchant “tokenizes” a credit card transaction so that the merchant doesn’t have […]
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Windows administrators are painfully aware of a long history of security issues with Microsoft’s Windows Printing System. Microsoft has tried time and again to patch it, but it is, apparently, kind of like putting duct tape on a submarine with a screen door. Print bugs account for almost 10% of all cases reported to Microsoft’s […]
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