The Android community is slowly beginning to understand that they are going to have to step up to the plate and deal with security like Apple has done from the beginning. The challenge is that unlike Apple, where there is one master in control, the Android community is fractured. The only one who has any […]
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Businesses have always outsourced work. It used to be plumbers and what were referred to as “the trades”. Now it is programmers and manufacturing. What is different now is the degree of connectedness that those suppliers have. A couple of examples: Target uses HVAC contractors to maintain the refrigeration in their stores. It used to […]
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The Senate, on Tuesday, passed their version of CISA, the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act. The House passed their own version of it months ago. The stated purpose of the act is to allow private companies to share “threat” information with the government and have immunity from being sued by their users for doing this. Because […]
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In the world of a connected home (or any other building), when you sell it or buy it, you need to consider the security and privacy implications. Does the former owner still have access to the security cameras? HVAC? Alarm system? Are the smart devices not so smart anymore? Have they EVER been patched? Are […]
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Price Waterhouse surveyed 10,000 CEOs, CFOs, CIOs and other executives and amazingly only 45% said their boards participated in cybersecurity strategy. While that is up from 42%, it should be close to 100%. The PwC study respondents reported a 38% uptick in cyber-assaults since 2014, with the boards spending $77 billion on tools and processes […]
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Google interviewed and/or surveyed hundreds of users and experts to see how they thought on security issues. Not completely surprisingly, there were many differences. Here are a few: The #1 difference between experts and real people is in INSTALLING UPDATES. Experts rated that as the most important thing to do to improve security. 35% of […]
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