
GCHQ Pulls Kill Switch On Smart Meter Rollout

GCHQ is The British version of the CIA.  Usually, they are out chasing bad guys in foreign countries.  This week they are protecting British citizens.  With all of the news of intelligence agencies eavesdropping on citizens, it is nice to hear a story where they are decidedly, doing the right thing. This all started with […]

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Bill To Modify Sarbanes To Include Cyber Introduced

HR 5069, the Cybersecurity Systems and Risks Reporting Act, was introduced last week in the House.  It would modify Sarbanes-Oxley by adding cybersecurity reporting requirements that are missing in the current law.  While there is a long road to follow between being introduced and being enacted, it might be smart to consider what the bill […]

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Top 8 Security Vulnerabilities Threatening Your Small Biz POS

If you run a point of sale system (POS) in your business you are probably nervous.  And with good reason.  There have been way too many breaches starting with Target (actually, that wasn’t the start of POS breaches, but it certainly is well known).  Here are some ideas for things that you can do in […]

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Cop Accused Of Spying On Breastfeeding Mom

A Michigan woman is suing a police officer who used the baby monitor app on her fiance’s cell phone that he confiscated when the fiance was arrested, to spy on her while she was nude and breastfeeding her son. Note that nothing has been proved yet, so this is only claims and allegations, but it points […]

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Researchers Crack Short URLs – Find Sensitive Data

I have never been a fan of shortened URLs like http://bity.ly/1cxcx66u , but mostly for security reasons.  If I click on that link, I have no idea what web site I am going to – whether it is malware laced or contains inappropriate content.  Now there is another reason – privacy. Researchers at Cornell Tech, […]

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