
A Warning About Cell Carriers Lack of Security And What It Means To You

All of the cell phone carriers such as Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile are in the business of selling you stuff.  Sometimes stuff you don’t want or need, but still stuff they would like to sell to you. As a result, when decent security gets in the way of them being able to separate you […]

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Webcam Warning! Do You Know Who is Watching?

Many people have webcams installed in and around their house.   For a Houston mother, the security that the cameras inside her house brought her was instantly turned into a nightmare recently. Another mother, in Oregon, was looking at satellite feeds of earth with her son when they started looking for more images.  They came […]

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Outsource Payroll Processer Sage Breached – Lessons to Learn

Sage Group, an international cloud based accounting,  payroll, HR and CRM services company acknowledged a breach this week.  The breach affects around 300 companies based in the U.K. but the value of the breach is not in who got breached, but rather the lessons to be learned from it. The company provides accounting and payroll […]

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The Point of Sale (POS) Breaches Continue

So far this week (and it is only Monday), we have two POS breaches in the news. HEI Hotels and Resorts, which manages almost 60 hotels for Starwood, Hilton, Marriott and other chains announced that 20 of their locations, covering all of their brands, had suffered breaches. While they have not said how many cards […]

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Google Mail Adding New Security Warnings

Google is starting to roll out new security messages in the next week or so to help users to be able to detect spam emails and malicious web sites. For GMail read on the web or on Android devices, any message whose sender cannot be authenticated with Sender Policy Framework (SPF) or Domain Keys Identified Mail […]

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