For anyone who has seen a ransomware lock screen like the one above, the first thought is panic. The next thought is ….. Now there is some organized help in the form of a web site supported by some real security powerhouses – Intel Security (AKA McAfee), Kaspersky, Europol cyber crime center and powered by Amazon […]
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For those Google G-Suite (AKA Google Apps and Google Apps for Work) users, Google has released a new option for managing iPhones and iPads. What is great about it is that it does NOT require installing an agent on the phone or pad. Google calls it the Basic Mobile Management option for iOS and it […]
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While this post should be of direct interest to Broker Dealers, it really applies to anyone who outsources information services. You can delegate the task but not the responsibility. In this case, the broker dealer used a cloud provider to store customer information. This is no different, for example, than a mortgage company using a […]
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OK, I will give you the punchline upfront. According to Tech Crunch, Robert Stephens, a tech industry veteran, put a WiFi connected security camera on the Internet and was hacked in …. 98 Seconds. In 98 seconds it is highly unlikely that you could even get logged in to the camera, never mind change […]
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Last month the Mirai botnet took down Twitter, Amazon and hundreds of other web sites by compromising cheap Chinese web cams and weaponizing them. While the attack was very interesting and could have been a lot worse, I attributed it to it being a cheap Chinese web cam. Hundreds of thousands of them. Now an […]
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UPDATE: Apparently Paypal was one of the companies affected by some of these OAuth security holes and they just released a fix (Dec 1,2016) for a bug that would allow hackers to steal OAuth tokens from payment apps of third party developers. Many web sites encourage you to sign on with your social media userid […]
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