
DC Appeals Court Says You Have No Recourse If Hacked By A Foreign Government

A U.S. citizen of Ethiopian heritage was hacked a few years ago by the Ethiopian government here in the U.S.  The victim, who goes by the pseudonym of Mr. Kidane to protect his family here and in Ethiopia, is being represented by the EFF, the Jones Day law firm and the law firm Robins Kaplan. […]

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Yet Another Backup Drive Exposed To The Internet

Earlier this month I wrote about Stewart International Airport in New York leaving a backup drive exposed to the Internet without a password or encryption, exposing extremely sensitive information (see post here). Now it has been revealed that an unnamed DoD officer, possibly a Lt. Colonel, had a backup drive with thousands of sensitive documents exposed […]

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Hidden Backdoor Found In Another Chinese Network Gateway

The headline reads Hidden Backdoor Found in Chinese-Made Equipment.  Nothing New! Move Along! That headline by itself should scare you. Researchers found a hidden backdoor in a Double Technology GSM gateway used by telephone companies and VoIP providers.  DblTek is based in Hong Kong. According to the security firm Trustwave, there is an account called […]

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Cisco Webex Plugin Vulnerability – Part of a Much Bigger Issue

Recently Cisco published a critical vulnerability alert regarding their Webex browser plugin.  While the plugin vulnerability, which affected Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer, was very serious it points to a much bigger issue. First the plugin issue. The bug affects Webex Meeting Server, Meeting Center, Event Center, Training Center and Support Center.  Due to a […]

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Application Security – The Neglected Threat

When companies like Microsoft or Oracle develop software, they have massive teams who’s only job is to try and find bugs in the software.  They also have made significant investments automated tools to help with software quality assurance.  Still Microsoft usually patches 10-20 new bugs month after month.  Oracle often patches 100 bugs a quarter. […]

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What Does Mike Pence’s Use of A Personal Email Account Teach Us?

The Washington Post is reporting that Vice President Mike Pence used a personal email account to conduct government business when he was Governor of Indiana. The Veep says that his use of a personal email account is different than Clinton’s use of a personal email account and I do not want to turn this into […]

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