
Booz | Allen | Hamilton Can’t Catch A Break

In 2013 Booz employee and NSA contractor Edward Snowden flew to Hong Kong after leaking huge quantities of highly classified NSA documents, proving that even the NSA is challenged to keep secrets under wraps.  Those documents are still being dribbled out today. Earlier this year, when the FBI was trying to track down the Shadow […]

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Guess How Long It Takes For Thieves to Use Stolen Data?

The FTC recently did an experiment to see how quickly thieves used stolen data after it was posted on the dark web. They created 100 fictitious consumers and gave them credit cards or bitcoin wallets.  Each fictitious consumer had a name, email and passwords as well. They posted the data twice – first on April […]

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When Medical Devices Get Hit With Ransomware

Is it possible that North Korea used stolen NSA hacking tools to infect medical devices at U.S. hospitals?  Forbes says, yes it is. When the WannaCry ransomware spread out of control last week infecting 48 hospital trusts in the UK and unnamed medical facilities in the U.S. for the most part U.S. businesses were not […]

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