
GOP Contractor Exposes Profiles of 198 Million Voters

In what has to be one of the largest disclosures of personal data ever, it appears that a Republican National Committee vendor exposed their collection of data on 198 million U.S. voters in the cloud for anyone to trip over. Unlike other cases where hackers broke in or used zero day exploits to compromise systems, […]

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Stanford University Web Server Hosts Hackers for Months

While this is not unusual it is still worth reiterating. A web server at the Paul F. Glenn Center for the Biology of Aging at Stanford hosted malware for months, undetected.  The malware started by installing a web shell onto the web server.  This shell was able to do a number of things including upload […]

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Why The Software Supply Chain is The Rhinoceros Head in the Corner

As if Yahoo didn’t have enough trouble, it apparently was using a third party software library called ImageMagick which had a serious security bug in it. The library which is used to manipulate images is very widely used.  Or at least, it was.  Some people say that it has not aged well. Security researcher Chris […]

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