
Credit Card Breaches Continue Because Merchants Won’t Take Basic Security Precautions

It seems like every day we see another credit card breach in the news.  Recently the retail chain Buckles said they had a breach.  Sabre, the airlines reservation system founded by American Airlines suffered a breach and as a result, so did a number of their customers including Hard Rock and Lowes Hotels. There are […]

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The Challenge Of Encryption Backdoors

In the wake of the recent London Bridge terrorist attack using a truck as a weapon, British Prime Minister Theresa May has renewed her desire for software vendors to provide her with an encryption backdoor so that British law enforcement can look at messages from iPhones and Facebook’s Whatsapp, among other software. In the U.S., […]

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The Fallout From a Ransomware Attack

We have heard from two big name firms who succumbed to the recent Petya/NotPetya ransomware attack and they provide interesting insights into dealing with the attack. First a quick background.  A week ago the world was coming to grips with a new ransomware attack.  Initially called Petya because it looked like a strain of the […]

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Why Paying Ransomware May Not Be A Great Idea

You may recall that a hacking group called the Dark Overlord hacked into Larson Studios, a third party provider to Netflix and other studios.  They stole the unreleased copies of the whole season of Orange as well as about 36 other series and movies. Now we are beginning to hear the back story and it […]

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