Voting Village was the place to be at Defcon if you are interested in the security of your vote. The sponsors of the village bought 30 voting machines – many on eBay. Full disclosure – some of these models are no longer in use, but others are still in use. One older (in use until […]
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Lets combine all the possible cyber risk concerns into one sentence. A bug in an open source library used by major IoT vendors is raising the spectre of software supply chain/vendor risk management issues for all developers. The vendor in question is Axis Communications. Whether you know it or not, you have seen their security cameras across the country including […]
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HBO has joined the ranks of Sony and Netflix and has had their new, unreleased shows hacked and posted on the dark web. HBO Chairman and CEO Richard Plepler sent an email to employees saying, in part, “there has been a cyber incident directed at the company”, which I assume, means that they were hacked. […]
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And, I suspect, an attorney may be looking for a new job. About a week ago the New York Times disclosed that a former employee who was suing Wells Fargo Advisors (WFA) received data that he had not asked for – 1.4 gigabytes of data, actually. Data on, he said, over 50,000 high net worth […]
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The Swedish government has become embroiled in a scandal after an IT outsourcing deal went horribly wrong. There was an old TV commercial that included the line “No one ever got fired for buying IBM”, implying that IBM was a safe bet. Not in this case. The Swedish Transport Agency decided to outsource it’s […]
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Fedex was one of the companies that announced last month that they were affected by the Petya un-ransomware (it operated like ransomware, but there was no decryption key, even if you paid the ransom). It is interesting that most of the time there is some sort of malware attack you do not get much information, […]
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