
Do You Have a Disaster Recovery Plan for Your Front Door?

The Internet of Things never fails to amaze me.  And make us think outside of the box. As the British publication The Register said, your smart lock may be knackered.  Google says that knacker means damage severely and I think they are right. Here is the story. For AirBnB hosts, one security challenge they have […]

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Open Source Software is Neither a Silver Bullet nor a Curse

There are some folks who say that open source software is much better than proprietary (commercial) software because you can look at the source code.  Ignoring whether you are I would know what we are looking at, it isn’t so simple as this story will tell. On the other hand, proprietary (commercial) software isn’t a […]

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The $10 Million Alternative to Paying Ransomware

Earlier this year, the Erie County Medical Center in Buffalo, New York was hit with a ransomware attack.  ECMC is a level 1 trauma center, teaching hospital and regional center for a variety of medical services – including, unfortunately, ransomware. At 2 A.M. on Palm Sunday computer screens across the medical center flashed “What happened […]

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