Web browsers have become the center of our daily Internet universe. But browsers, by themselves, are often not sufficiently powerful to do what people want them to do. Enter the world of plugins or addins or browser extensions. These little bits of code allow a browser to do something that they were not designed by […]
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Researchers at Bitdefender say that they have uncovered two vulnerabilities in low cost Chinese cameras. One of the cameras is used in the iDoorbell – which represents a software supply chain issue on top of it. The cameras come from Shenzen Neo Electronics. Researchers suspect that other cameras are affected as well. Using the search […]
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Business email compromise (BEC) attacks are relentlessly attacking businesses with no let-up in sight. BEC attacks have traditionally used CEOs and CFOs as their foils, pretending to be them and getting people to wire money to the hackers. The oil and gas industry was targeted by a single individual using old generic malware readily […]
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I have come to a realization that I’m not very fond of, but in the world of security vs. convenience, security has to prevail. As we start having more and more smart things around us – from dishwashers to smart phones, we need to consider whether the manufacturer and/or distributor is committed to our security. […]
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Do you have a written incident response program? Do the people who are part of it – the outside legal team, crisis communications team, forensics team, for example – know they are part of it? Are contracts signed with outside service providers – or at least providers periodically reviewed and selected vendor already approved? Has […]
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According to a KPMG survey of Financial Times 350 companies, 68% of the Boards have not received any training to deal with a cyber incident. This means that WHEN – and not if – a significant cyber event occurs, the board will have no plan in place to deal with it. This is distinct from […]
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