I have been a strong advocate for two factor authentication and still am, but I ran across a situation yesterday that made me realize that there is something that you need to consider when you implement two factor. The situation that I encountered was a user that was using text messages for two factor authentication […]
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There are those in the open source software fan world that suggest that open source (and typically free) software is best because since the source code is available, people can look for bugs and fix them, resulting is bug free software. The reality is not quite so simple. While this statement is technically true, it […]
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Despite the constant news reports of cyber breaches, PwC says that business leaders are not taking this to heart, which means that your data is still at risk. Price Waterhouse Coopers surveyed 9,500 executives in 122 countries and came up with the following – 44% – almost half – say that their firms have not […]
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A couple of weeks ago I wrote about yet another breach at a law firm. This time the firm was Appleby, a law firm based in Bermuda and home to the rich and famous – especially those that are looking for tax shelters and the similar. Most of these tax shelters are legal but the […]
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New York already has one of the toughest cyber security regulations in the country, but it only applies to financial services firms like banks, mortgage companies and investment advisors. After the Equifax breach, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo proposed that they add credit reporting agencies to the list of companies covered by the New York […]
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WHAT. COULD. GO. WRONG??????????????????? Amazon is offering you a new feature; you can ask Alexa what you credit score is. Actually, it is not as bad as it sounds. But it doesn’t seem like the most secure thing ever. First, it is not really Amazon who is answering that question, it is Experian. Alexa has […]
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