
Tim Hortons Restaurant Franchisees Threaten to Sue Over Breach

What happens if you are a restaurant and your cash register system gets hit by a virus?  Short Answer:  You close the doors and turn off the lights. That is exactly what happened hundreds of Tim Hortons restaurants in Canada.  Apparently Tim Hortons is something like a Dunkin Donuts serving coffee, donuts and some light […]

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Davidson County, NC Hit By Ransomware – Reverts to Paper

While yet another local government being shut down by a ransomware attack is old news these days, it still can point to a few valuable things. This time it is Davidson County, NC, home of Greensboro. At 2:00 in the morning the county’s CIO was woken up – there was something strange going on with […]

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FBI, NSA, CIA Say Don’t Use Huawei, ZTE Phones

The heads of the intelligence community – NSA, CIA, FBI and the Defense Intelligence Agency, appearing in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said that Chinese smartphones posed a threat to national security. Exactly why they singled out those two Chinese phones, compared to the iPhone, which is likely made in the same factory, is […]

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T-Mobile Sued For Lack of Security

I am always skeptical about these lawsuits.  One issue is usually “standing”, but in this case, I don’t think this will be an issue.  Often, if the party being sued thinks they are going to lose, they tend to settle, quietly, with no precedent from a court decision.  In this case, I predict this one […]

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