
Ransomware, The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Just a few years ago most people had not even heard about ransomware.  Today, if you have not been hit by a ransomware attack, you certainly have heard about attack after attack.  Ranging from massive attacks that affected companies like Fedex and Merck pharmaceuticals to  hospitals to little mom and pop stores, ransomware is the […]

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Hey Cortana! Install Malware. Infect this Computer.

There are some possible downsides to personal virtual assistants. What if an attacker could use Cortana or Alexa to infect your computer? As these assistants become more widespread, the likelihood of an attack goes up. Screen locks do work.  Sort of.  They tend to stop nosy cube-mates and possibly evil maids, but beyond that, they […]

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Password = First 4 of Your Name Plus Last 4 of Your Social = Problem

Most banks outsource their online banking platform – in fact their entire banking platform to one of the big players like Fidelity or Jack Henry.  In fact, unless you are a Chase or a Wells, a handful of players own that whole market – see below. Apparently, at least one of these providers, possibly Fidelity, […]

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