
Will Your Employees Fall for a Deep Fake Audio?

AI is good and getting better. We already saw a deep fake video fool some EU presidents into thinking they were talking to the head of the African Union. And another deep fake video fooled an accountant at a large European company to wire $25 million to a hacker. Here is another one. The hacker […]

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Microsoft Wants to Introduce You to 801 Of Their Closest Friends

You have probably heard this expression before, but it bears repeating. If you are not paying for a service, then you are the product. Case in point. Microsoft has always offered a free email product in Windows called, very creatively, Windows mail. But it really was a pretty horrible competitor to GMail and other mail […]

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Cybersecurity Investment + Board Involvement = Better Shareholder Returns

What if you could better your competitor’s returns by 372%? Would that make the pain of improving your cybersecurity practices worthwhile? A study by Bitsight and Diligent says that is possible. The study analyzed data from 4,000 companies worldwide and found two interesting statistics. Insurance companies are looking to find actuarial data that helps them […]

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Cyberattacks Causing Physical Disruption on the Rise

At least 68 cyberattacks last year caused physical consequences to operational technology (OT) networks at more than 500 locations worldwide. Damage from these attacks ranged up to $100 millon. OT attacks are attacks on the systems that run businesses like manufacturing, transportation and the cities themselves. If you think about all of the computers that […]

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DoD Just “Upped” The Cybersecurity Game for Defense Contractors

If you are a defense contractor – prime, sub or vendor to one of these and you were hoping that CMMC was going to go away, I don’t think that is going to happen – at least not on this president’s watch. Even if the party in power changes in January, I don’t much will […]

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