
US Says Russia Exploiting Weak Security at Water, Wastewater Plants

Shoddy security practices. Short of cash. Lack of personnel to deal with threats. Outdated equipment connected to the Internet. Weak passwords. CISA and the FBI say these are just some of the issues that critical infrastructure operators are facing. Anti U.S. (pro-Russian) hackers are intensifying attacks on critical infrastructure such as water, wastewater, dams, energy […]

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You Can’t Trust Cyber Crooks – DUH!

It was always difficult to separate fact from fiction when it came to breach information. Too many players had their own agendas to know what was real. Now there is another player in the room and it is FEAR, UNCERTAINTY AND DOUBT. Over the past four months alone, the press, social media accounts, and some […]

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Cloud Vendors Say “Know Your Customer” Rule is “Hard”

A Presidential Executive Order (EO) is making its way though the approval process which, if approved, would require cloud vendors like Google and Amazon to identify who is buying server time from them. This is very similar to what banks and other financial institutions have been doing for decades. But Google’s and Amazon’s trade group […]

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SURPRISE: GPT-4 Can Exploit Unpatched Vulnerabilities

Who would have guessed? Researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) fed AI agents vague descriptions of more than a dozen unpatched vulnerabilities. The agent they created with GPT-4 exploited 87 percent of those vulnerabilities. Fourteen other agents made with lesser tools like GPT 3.5 and Metasploit failed. The researchers said that GPT-4 was […]

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Open Source Maintainers Under Attack

There are folks who say that open source is safer than commercial software because, well, it is open source. Their theory is that since, technically, anyone can look at the source (ignoring the fact that you would need to be a trained programmer in whatever language that software is written in and have the time […]

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Federal Cyber Safety Board Says Microsoft Security Culture is Inadequate

The cyber safety review board is similar to the FAA’s National Transportation Safety Board, except that they are investigating Cybersecurity crashes (breaches) rather than airplane or container ship crashes. The board is new. It was created by Executive Order 14028 in 2021. They only convene when requested to by the Secretary of Homeland Security and, […]

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